Most workers plan their retirement age from 60s some 70s and 80s but the questions concentrate on how to do it and still maintain balance economically. The need for money is the key motivation for workers who plan to continue working. The question that comes to mind is
1.Why didn’t most workers invest more money in real estate other than annuities, government bonds and stock which are low yielding certificate?
2.Even at that why don’t they start now? Because starting late is better than not starting at all.
The simple reason is that they don’t believe much in real estate investment and see real estate as an investment with greater risk.
It is believed that no right-thinking person could possibly choose lifelong employment and meagre returns on so-called safe investments such as annuities, bonds, and Certificate of deposits if they really understand the possibilities and returns that are present in real estate investment
According to the popular book” The Four Pillars of Investing” (McGraw-Hill, 2003), William Bernstein held two widely held myths of modern investing. You’ve heard them before. But they’re false.
1. Bernstein claims that if you want to increase your potential returns from investing, you have to learn to be a risk-taker. Bernstein writes, “Whether you invest in stocks, bonds, or for that matter real estate, you are rewarded mainly for your exposure to one thing—risk.” “No guts, no glory.”
2. “The market is smarter than you are.” Here, Bernstein commonly Illustrates the “efficient market” theory of modern finance. In the workings of an efficient market, all prices of assets should represent their true market value.
According to Bernstein, you'll ne'er notice the right-priced investments. As they pertain to property, each of Bernstein’s supposed pillars of investment is absolutely not right. once you invest in assets, you gain these two profit-generating benefits:
1. In property, you're not simply being rewarded for taking a risk. you're rewarded for applying your intelligence and market savvy. you're rewarded for providing a target market (tenants or buyers) a property rewards higher price value than competing properties.
2. You may beat the market. once you swing into action the steps and techniques described in this book, you'll discover open opportunities that most of the property owners (along with those naysayers who shout from the sidelines) continuous miss. nonetheless, these widespread false beliefs may actually work push or boost your investment returns. based on financial planners and economists (who particularly don't have a significant idea with real estate investing) accepting such faulty suggestions, their advice keeps investor competition for properties far below the limit that may otherwise exist.
Otherwise, as long as some potential investors believe that to make a huge profit in real estate they must take big risks, they will continue to be on the watch list. They will leave more options or opportunities for you to earn.
In summary, The real challenge in today's property market can be false beliefs and self-talk But if one focuses on the prize and your mind filled with possibilities, you will discover various options to building real estate wealth. It is possible, though the venture may not get quick easy, but consistency and goal can take you there. Now is the right time to act by setting priorities. Most of us spent our time and our finances seeking pleasures like buying the latest cars, A new car, tourism and visiting not thinking about time which they say is money, and at the end regrets. Therefore if you do today what others would not do, In future you’ll be able to live in the enviable style that lots of people will never be able to experience.
How To Succeed In Real Estate Businiess
Draw a plan, Set goals and Precisely what goals depend on where you are today and your set goals. As a starting point, nearly all successful investors agree that if you truly want to build wealth, you will set these important goals:
1. Save cash by cutting expenses.
2. Reduce your credit profile.
3. Get information from classified real estate in your local paper.
4. Call owners/sellers and view at the properties.
5. Become a member of real estate investment associations.
6. Read more and important books on real estate in a few months. Books such as as Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Les Brown, Shad Helmstetter, and Maxwell Maltz.
7. Make your first real estate investment within a few months. More details on the above
When Jack Holden was asked how his family got started investing in real estate, here is his response;
“We scraped, borrowed, and leveraged from every resource we had to muster the funds we needed. . . For seed money, we cashed in savings bonds and borrowed from our insurance policies. . . . The entire family went on an austerity plan to cut back our food, travel, and entertainment expenses. Today we’re thankful we made those early sacrifices.”
If you can learn from the above, therefore to build and make wealth in property or real estate, don’t wait until the needed cash or credit is available before you invest. Commit yourself to invest, then plan how to come up with the money. If you can apply 3 A(s) of finance (Anticipation, Acquisition and Allocation) it would help you in the long run.Therefore you can now decide to own property and immediately start to shape up your finances and create an investment plan.